Colorado Leads in EV Sales and Repairify Has Patterned with Shop-Wares
Braxton Critcher [00:00:06]:
You are listening to Automotive Repair News Today, a podcast that I believe helps the industry you grow, improve and stay informed with what's happening across Automotive Repair. Top 10 stories this week are as follows. Colorado is now the top state in the US for electric vehicle sales. That tops California now, with EVs making up to 25.3% of new car purchases. Governor Jared Polis discussed that what's driving this shift is a $5,000 state tax credit for EVs under 80,000, plus additional federal and state rebates. The state also boasts over 5,500 public charging ports, which helps a lot. Also, several hundred are on the way being built. Over 70 workers at the Farisha Auto Parts factory in Dexter, Missouri are on strike, citing safety concerns, occupational injuries and wages.
Braxton Critcher [00:01:12]:
United auto Workers Local 1930 began picketing on December 3, and UAW representative Jason Starr accused the company of trying to undermine longstanding rules. Protests will continue until a resolution is found. Repairify has announced a partnership with autowares to provide Autowares customers access to Aztec's Diagnostic technologies. Customers in the Bumper to Bumper and autovalue networks can now utilize Aztecs patented platform, which links OEM diagnostics tools in remote area centers with aftermarket tools. This allows shops to perform remote diagnostics, advanced calibrations and module reprogramming using Auth Finick OEM tools. The service will be included in Autoware's distribution network with no monthly fees. Dennis Quick Auto Service in Snyder, Texas has been sold to Main Street Auto, a company with over 70 locations nationwide. Founded in 1962, the family owned business grew to serve primarily commercial oil field clients.
Braxton Critcher [00:02:24]:
Generational Group led the acquisition and marks a new chapter for the 30,000 square foot operation with over 20 employees. Tom's Truck center marked giving Tuesday with a $300,000 donation to the CNCDA foundation supporting programs to train future automotive technicians. With over 4300 open positions in California for techs, the demand for skilled workers in the evolving auto industry is critical. Right now. The funds will expand scholarships, mentorships, apprenticeships and training resources. If you'd like to learn more or join the cause, touch the link in the show notes. Max Caldwell of Pratt, Kansas has been named the 2024 Mitchell 1 ASC Master Automobile Technician of the Year. Caldwell, an instructor at Pratt Community College, earned the award for his top ASC test scores, certifications and dedication to automotive education.
Braxton Critcher [00:03:27]:
With degrees from Pratt Community College and Pittsburgh State University, he's pursuing a graduate degree in career and technical education. There's a new tool for techs out there. The Car Oliner Bench Rack Versa is made with lightweight steel and aluminum ramps for fast ergonomic access. Supporting up to 10,000 pounds and lifting up to 57 inches, it ensures comfort and efficiency while on the job. Its design enables quick diagnostics, seamless shop integration and OEM compliant lifting for EVs. Features like Quick clamping arms boost efficiency, helping shops process more vehicles and improve profitability again. The new tool is Car Oliner Benchrack Versa. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is surveying brake repair tasks to refined certification standards and training.
Braxton Critcher [00:04:29]:
When you take the survey, whether you're ASC certified or not, you'll be entered to win one of five $100Amazon gift cards. Industry input is vital for shaping ASC certifications, so if you can take the time today, take the survey, you have until January 3rd of next year to contribute to take it. Touch the link in the podcast show notes SEMA is right now seeking speakers for 2025's SEMA show in Las Ve. It's happening November 4th through the 7th, and industry experts are invited to share innovative ideas, trends, skills to evaluate the automotive aftermarket. Submit proposals for who you think should be a speaker next year by January 31st of 2025 at speakers or touch the podcast show notes link and you can invite a speaker Electric vehicle battery replacements could soon be cheaper than gas engine repair, according to battery analysis from the firm Recurrent. Declining EV battery prices have already dropped replacement costs from 100% of a $15,000 car's value in 2020 to 75% today. By 2030, this could fall to just 30%. EV battery prices are now 90% lower than in 2008, per the US Department of Energy.
Braxton Critcher [00:06:01]:
Recurrent predicts a booming market for used batteries by the year 2030, with Second Life uses like energy storage providing added value for EV owners. If you have news that needs to be shared on this podcast or our social media channels, I want to know. I'd love to interview you or someone you know, so reach out to me. that's it's also critical. I love for you to rate this podcast and share to those you know trying to keep the industry informed. Thanks for listening this week.
Braxton Critcher [00:06:44]:
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Braxton Critcher [00:06:48]:
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Braxton Critcher [00:06:50]:
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Braxton Critcher [00:06:58]:
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Braxton Critcher [00:07:00]:
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