How Ed Rosa and Fix it Forward Transforms Lives Through Car Repairs

Today on Good News in Auto Repair, Ed Rosa reveals eye-opening insights into the personal stories of those he helps, emphasizing the prevalent issue of homelessness among employed individuals. Braxton appreciates Ed's dedicated community work and the therapeutic benefits it brings Ed, notably reducing his PTSD symptoms.

00:00 Good news in auto repair: uplifting stories.
04:21 Started nonprofit on impulse; quickly succeeded.
07:02 My priority is homeless and disabled veterans.
11:20 Car loss can lead to homelessness, life-threatening.
14:27 Seeing the good in generous, helpful people.
16:03 Helping others boosts mental well-being significantly.
19:16 Understanding we're all on the same team.
23:40 No help if you have a new car.
28:18 Help comes when addressing unique real problems.
29:13 I rely on donations to continue operating.
33:43 Nick helps fix cars on weekends voluntarily.
36:42 Like, subscribe, and follow for automotive repair news.

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Fix it Forward's Vision: Fix It Forward envisions a community where all individuals and families have reliable and safe transportation that helps them connect to health care, work, learning, social activities, and civic engagement opportunities, regardless of their economic status.
How Ed Rosa and Fix it Forward Transforms Lives Through Car Repairs
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