EV Charging Concerns and Complications with Ryan McKinnon

In this episode, Braxton Critcher is joined by Ryan McKinnon from Charge Ahead Partnership. Ryan discusses the current state of EV infrastructure in Florida, emphasizing the barriers to EV adoption due to the lack of charging stations despite the availability of federal funds. He highlights the problematic role of power companies raising consumer rates to fund their EV charging stations, which stifles competition from private businesses.

00:00 More EVs on the road, better charging? Or not.
05:12 Nevi program funds EV charging stations in Florida.
07:26 Nevi program offsets startup cost for EV charging.
13:11 EV charging raises costs, unequal access, and undermines claims.
15:05 Entrepreneur sees opportunity with electric vehicle charging.
20:31 Coalition of businesses and organizations promoting EVs.
22:02 Seeking perspectives on EV charging stations and industries.

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EV Charging Concerns and Complications with Ryan McKinnon
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